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I'd say I suffer from, but it's become part of my life now. I go though phamtom pregnancies regularly, also known aspseudocyesis.
It started as a deep fear when I was a teen. Everything about pregancy and child rearing freaked me out. Then after a sevear trigger mixed with flash backs i went though my first phamtom pregancy. There was no sex involved, it wasnt real, i know it's not real. But the cravings where there, brooding, bloating, breasts swelling and leaking. I managed to snap myself out of it. I cant remember how.
After years free, it started again last summer. After I was with my partner and on the pill which I very quickly stopped taking. I was parinoyed about getting pregnant, even when I'd taken many tests and clearly wasnt. But my partner has always wanted chridren. I think everything combined and my stress brought on the phantom pregancy.
Scince last summer I've gone though multiple "pregancies" sometimes last weeks up to months. It's become a comfort rather than a fear. Between me and the partner is also a fetish. I go though the swelling cravings, pains, hormones, sometimes the labour pains. Always ending in depression because I can feel something inside me yet I know it's not there. But I find so much comfort in this I cant help but get attached. I buy plushies to fill the gaps.
I dont want to find medical help because it's such a comfort. I dont want to loose that.
Does any one have any stories or experances with phantom pregancy
- Syra