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- March 2012
My Story Continued
   Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:52 pm
My Story Continued
   Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:50 pm
My Story Continued
   Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:02 pm
My Story, continued
   Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:57 pm
My Story
   Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:05 pm

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My Story Continued

Permanent Linkby MeAndOther on Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:52 pm

The vast majority of my experiences with my Other happened in settings in which nothing outside of me was involved. I started my membership with this site about a week ago and before that I had not voiced any of my experiences to anyone on a regular basis since the first couple years. I am not sure how to describe it but I must get alot out of these blogs because I am rehashing those old experiences contantly now. As far as experiences that involved something or someone outside of me the first of a very small number was in August of 2005, give or take a month. I met a man named Jay, he also was into meth, like I was at the time. We were in my studio apartment that day we met and it seemed as though I was with a lifelong friend. As the evening progressed, I started to get a strange feeling as though there was more than one conversation taking place and I could see the two conversations at the same time. I dont remember the subject of either one, I just remember seeing something I never had. Maybe the next night, I was sitting in his apartments a few doors down(alow me to take a break for a second, If anyone reading this is wondering If I am gay, I am not, and never have been). We were sitting on the couch not to far from eachother with our feet up on the coffee table, I was looking at one of his feet, he was twitching it, just a quik movement every couple seconds. The part that was strange to me was that my foot was moving in unison with his but I was not telling it to. He stood up and took a few steps away and was pretty close to the wall, I dont remember if he shook his keys or snapped his finers but did something to get my attention on one of his hands, He stood with his body mostly facing away from me but had his upper body twisted a little bit back. He was making eye contact with me and kept the hand he used to get my attention in his left pocket for several seconds. He slowly stepped closer to the wall and took the hand out of his pocket and touched the wall, he took his hand off the wall and slowly walked over to another section of the wall and did the same thing, he repeated this maybe a couple more times and the looked at me, he moved his arm and hand as if he was hold something, kind of like a tiny thread, as I looked at him, he jerked that hand and it felt and look like he was pulling a thread right out of my eye. It was not painful, nor do know if there was anythread at all. If you read any of my other blogs, I tried to make it clear that my other does not have to put any more effort into making me percieve that than a thought. But as I was saying earlier, only a tiny number of these involved someone else. After he jerked his hand, he stepped closer to me, got really close and said, dont tell the other animals. I have found that poeple like us, often times are unable to make it according to our social norms, especially as fars a s money. That being said, we seem to have a very healthy imagination or ability to think outside the box. I could cook up countless explanations for this experience, but they would be nothing more than guesses. I made it back into so called normal status with a career and material possessions, I have not used meth since the beginning of 2008. I no longer press my father to listen to these stories anymore because my Father has close to zero imagination. My Dad has eight kids, he has always worked and provided for them, he has been an oak. But like I said, at the end of the day, he has little use for pondering the impossibilities of creation, the universe, aliens, thought controll, others, anything like that. I am not really sure were I am going with the last section of this post, I have never been able to make sense of theses experiences. My other talks to me daily, he is talking to me right now, he is pointing out the irony of me sitting hear posting my question when he could tell me right now. It may sound kind of screwed up for him to do that and perhaps it is. The first few months were the...

[ Continued ]

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My Story Continued

Permanent Linkby MeAndOther on Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:50 pm

By the way, writting blogs for this site while using a computer at work was probably not the best idea, I had some issues with one of my bosses at work yesterday that had nothing to do with my schizophrenia or even this site. I am not ashamed of my schizophrenia but as many of have figured out, if you want to get back into the professional world, it is best not to tell cowaorkers about any of this stuff. So, I was forced to eat a pretty heavy load of crud yesterday because I was worried if I pressed this issue, I might have to explain some of the stuff I posted on this site. Unfortunatley, even if we happen to be in the right on a matter, having the term mental ilness or schizophrenia thrown back at you is a difficult blow to counter. I should have known beforehand but I will just be sure not to use any computer at work for this stuff from here on. Also, on a different subject, If any of you guys read my blogs and see inconsistencies in the story, I would not be insulted at all if you were to point them out to me. I tried to tell some of terros counselors and and the counselors at the drug rehab I completed about for years ago. I tried to explain some of the finer details about what my "symptoms" were, but it wasn't that they didn't care about helping me get better, it was that the details of the symptoms were of little importance and not woth dwelling on. So, what I am saying is that I have not really been able to have anyone who might be able believe or even listen to the details and help point out the contradictions. I am able to see some of the contradictions sometimes but I know if I can see them sometimes there must be a pretty large list of them. As I mentioned earlier in my blogs and by my username "MeAndOther" my other is the source of everything for me, thought, sense, you know, everything. He has made it very clear from early on that many of the things I have experienced are not necacerrily true or untrue, he is stuck with me just as I am stuck with him. He says that just copying all of his experience and senses directly tome as he has them can get a bit boring so he does not deny making his own private show for me. Some of the experiences are things that I hold on to and never want to let go because as many shortcomings I have compared to the general population, they could have the first clue what it's like to see the wizzard behind the curtain, to see how powerless they are in reality, to see that there is nolonger the big question, Is there more out there? What If? I wonder if? I have been listening to my other directly for seven years now. All of these question that we have about the supernatural, God, telepathy, aliens, the list goes on and on. I don't have those questions as I did before. I want to be clear that I dont have any solid answers for those question as far as details, but I know and have known for seven years, the answer is yes, yes, yes. So at this point, I dont need any assurance about whether or not this stuff is real, I want to hear your stories. I want to hear the wonder you have known. I want to hear the experiences you had that we only see in scifi movies. I was reading a post, or many posts about mind controll over us with radio waves and such. That is definatley a cool idea, one that I also put much stock in, at the begining. It's not that I don't do or don't believe it anymore, I just no longer have the compulsion to go and expose them because if that stuff is really true, how do you expect to beat a force controlling your mind. I had an epic battle with my other for the first several years, he would tell me that he was the dominant one in this body and antagonize me. He would show me just a taste of what he could do to me and give them stupid nick names like the truth button and the pain buttun, and the repeator. I would be having a so called argument with him and he would tap the pain button, WOW! I just intesnse pain for a second from my other and I was not even moving....

[ Continued ]

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My Story Continued

Permanent Linkby MeAndOther on Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:02 pm

Early on, I was not sure how say what was happening to me because aside from some psychology terms I did not know if there was any words that fit. After a period of me threaghtening to expose my Other to the world if he kept on tormenting me I finally came around to attempting to tell my father. I met him at my grandparent's house one day, we sat in one of the bedrooms and said we have something to tell you. My Dad knew that I was going through some things but he did not know any details. He replied who has something to telol me? I said me and other. My Dad is definatley not ice box or even @%!&, but after a couple seconds when the words hit him, he jerked his head around for a second and then locked eyes we me and WHAT!? It was most certainly not the reaction I was expecting. Looking back on it, it's hard to see how I could of expected anything else, that was supposed to be the moment of reckoning for my other. By the time I told my Dad that day, my other had explained to me that everybody has the same setup as me, meaning that every has an other but it is not their choice whether they know about them or not. He never would directly ask me a question with any intention of gaining information they he did not already have. He would pose questions to me, like the one question, how do you think this looks to me? You are here, listening to me, I can show you images, I can make smell things, feel things, and type of stimulus you have ever felt etc, if I was not talking to you right this second, you would no clue that I was here, so, when I tell you that every body has an other, how could you possibly disagree. I can see you in thought, I don't usually give you these type of perceptions, but think about what I see, I use the word see loosley, What about while we are laying in bed, eyes closed no site at all, how do you look to me? I am at work, I am at work and i just got some things I have to do, be back later

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My Story, continued

Permanent Linkby MeAndOther on Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:57 pm

As I was, I burned all the stuff I wrote from the first stage, I am pretty sure I beieved I was a giant walking bad carma magnet carrying all the stuff around. During that first stage, I was begining to believe in mind over matter, not specifcly telekenisis, but more along the lines of combat with other human being(not Others, like my other) this combat was not on a physical level, more like will, and emotions. I did not even have to see the persons eyes, it could in 2 different cars while driving. I don't invest much thouyght into things like that anymore, but after a person has some of the eperiences that poeple like us have, you don't hear the words"that's impossible leave their very often"
There was a shorter phase, I might have forgot to mention earlier, after that one that was the more conventional paranoid schizophrenic stuff poeple hear about, that phase involvedc me being at the center of a very complicated consipircy with money laundering, survalence. Dont get me wrong, that was a wild era in the life of MeAndOther but it's old hat these days. For those of you a few years deep into schizophrenia or what ever you want to call it(as was always angery early on when my condition was refered a schizophrenia, I would, You fools, do you have any idea whats happening all around us, with in us, you must Know! Listen to what I aqm trying to tell you, dang it! Currently, everything that held true(aside from the details) in those days, is still true, I have just ran out of steam when it comes to telling the world, it's weird you know, some how climbing for you life out of the rabbit hole and actually making it out only to find out, not a single soul, except one of us will believe you. Even if they love you unconditionaly, they would have trade their sanity in order to believe you. I am getting all negative and mellow dramatic. Maybe your story will be different than mine. By the way, guys, I would really like to hear some of the stuff about you, I just started blog today, I will be cruising around this site, looking for like minds, If any of you are in the intense paranoid phase still, I wish you luck, I am not going to try to pick my words carefully because when I was in that stage, someone could say "Gold Fish" and I knew it was seceret code for "Zebra"
I dont want to speak for anyone else, but I have had a habbit of viewing myself a misunderstood soul with out a friend in the world who could hear me, My Other has made his absolute control over me undeniable but I still have the privelage of posting on this blog. If any of you have felt the all powerfull grip of an OTHER on you mind and soul, you know that hell is much worse than we may have ever thought. My Other has put that hold on me a handfull of times, but never more than 2 seconds, three seconds tops. Considering the time spent in that grip, I don't take the ability to move or see, etc lighty. I know there are some out there that have never been alowed the speak a single word about it. For what it is worth to you guys, I do care.

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My Story

Permanent Linkby MeAndOther on Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:05 pm

I have Shizophrenia. I have been drug user for about 16 yrs, the sequence of events in my life were typical for someone like me up until 2005. I knew in gradeschool, when they were showing the DARE video about staying away from drugs, that I had already made my mind up to move as far away as I could from my normal state of conciousness. I have never succeded in anything further than I did as far as that goal. Dont worry, I am not a 12 stepping nazi or anything like that, I still drink a few beers in the evening, but the last time I did meth was in 2008. Honestly, I'd probably still be into pot if i liked it, but I don't. I give you this information because it has been used to eliminate any credibility I had with anyone who did not have that in their life, so there it is. There was a period before my "Other"(his idea, not mine) had begun making me aware of his presece and talking to me. This period was more like, "I have a strong feeling that there are ghost, spirits", stuff like that. I spent many nights in my car, behind grocery stores writting for hours straight. I seem to recall it was almost like someone was whispering in my ear, but there was no sound and it was outside solid awareness. That period lasted about a year, and I dont think I ever even talked about it to anyone. It wasn't unpleasent really, much of it was fun and exciting, I liked it. The period following that one was much more intense, and as a result, I think I have forgotten just about everything from the first period beside flash here and there. The part that gets me about that phase is that I burned everything I wrote. I have not repeated that mistake although numerous member of my family have suggested to me.

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