It makes me sad:(
-- Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:57 pm --
Everyone seems to hate strippers these days, but it's so beautiful. I think I feel trapped between loving the beauty and seduction of dance, but yet not quite being able to do it myself and feeling unsexy or unattractive if i can't.
Anyone else?
-- Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:00 pm --
because it's so..."feminine"

I'm a girl, and it makes me feel like I'm not feminine or interesting enough. I enjoy watching the dances and think they are so beautiful but feel so sad, because I feel that's what my partner wants?
I hate this stuff because I feel when I talk about these things, I'm waiting for someone to call me a "psycho". But *they* don't understand:(
-- Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:04 pm --
It's like feeling like I don't matter if I can't dance like that?
Btw, I was a dancer for a few years, but I always felt stupid doing it in front of my partner, partly because I wasn't very good, and beause I wasn't beautiful.
How can you be confident sexually when you are so average or ugly? To feel secure?