That's what I can't do. I can show her what it is, I've even tried giving it to her because that's what she needs. But she can't have it the right way. It doesn't feel right to her. She wants the wrong way. The way she knows, the way that she can actually feel something.
And here is the key to your own salvation ...
Take a 'real' look at the 'child ' who owned you at one point in time
You have separated some what from her ( & have grown up abit )
But yes she is STILL there & YOU listen to her
Unfortunately its abit of a waiting game right now - when you learn to put her to 'rest' then she & you will eventually heal abit of that tear that is in your soul
As mentioned ( yep the damage done to your own inner self ) is well ingrained in you ( hense why you still listen ) & haven't put her to rest ( quite yet ) & back in her place where she belongs
Why give her what she needs ( it is NOT what you want as well ) so why listen
Stop being weak with her & tell her that you NO longer wish to live that way anymore
Make yourself stronger than her & start standing up to her & tell her off !
She has remained in a child like state ( of NO change for reason )
But you have finally seen the 'light' & know yourself ( that you NO longer wish to keep feeling like crap bc of her
Every time you allow her to hurt you ( it keeps shattering another small section of you ) ..
JUST stop that & TELL HER NO !
You now want & deserve more in life ( than a life of misery ) you want the proper
choice in deciding what you want & don't want
No a 'child' who only wishes to keep tearing u up into little pieces ( is NOT someone to keep listening to !!
( why keep giving into her impulses)!! Stand up for yourself for once & say NO !
Tell her you want to heal & move forward ( not stay in a pattern of self destructive ways )
You deserve better & so does she !
Teach her now that YOU will be in charge ( YOU will now make adult decision NOT a child who now doesn't understand right for wrong ( YOU DO though )
Talk her down & be brave & say you deserve to better now & want to stop hurting yourself !
Tell her the truth ! ( that her way sucks totally ) ! its cruel & nasty to you & disrespects you totally as a person !
Tell her that YOU ( the older one now ) no longer wishes to listen to her !
You gave her what she wanted ( & how did that make YOU feel ) -- > worse !
If it had of made you feel better you wouldn't be here talking about her!!
Obviously - you no longer want to live the way you do ( so do something finally about it !) stand up to the part of you that likes to hurt you ,for once!
Stop letting the 'hurt' child in you rule ( instead ) say ....
This is how its going to be !
This is how I NOW wish to live my OWN life ( one without such pain !)
one with respect for myself & my body , one where I can be sort of happy maybe even at times now even !
Time to let go of the little girl who once ruled you
( time to see that the place of her now needs to change in your life )
she needs to be put to sleep & for YOU to now finally wake up
Now be the productive caring individual not only for yourself but also for others
( the potential is there for you to change you ) & find a new & better pathway
NOw you only have to teach YOUrself to 'let go ' of the part of you that is HOLDING you back,
locked in your OWN made hell!