Hello I am 19yo male, before the events last winter I was a content,happy, easy going guy, I was rarely worried, but sometimes I enjoyed a bit of melancholy
So last year around November I started to get tired, not much at first, people started to annoy me, I felt like I had less emotions and world seemed to get boring, waking was starting to feel like a chore and sleeping wasn't as recharging as before, then December has come, I was arguing with my parents and I felt like I should hurt myself so I did, then everything was getting even worse, I felt like walking knees deep in jelly, I self harmed for many reason s, including feeling guilty, anxious,sad, nearly everyday after waking up I would straight up cry, and worst of all I nearly panicked and feared on random occasions, my music taste changed drastically from dubstep and similar stuff to sad slow music, I stopped playing videogames even though I loved them, I felt alone and hopeless but then came first warm month, I nearly immidietly stopped self harm, I laughed more got motivated to build stuff, try some new hobbies, small things made me happy, I started having hope, but nevertheless it all left me scared and more enclosed, and I am worried that I would have to face the rematch this winter, could share your thoughts and give me some advice? Thank you
(Sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker)