Each statement below can be rated on a scale of 1 to 4 of how much you (and/or a loved one) feel the statement applies, where:
1= None or a little of the time
2= Some of the time
3= Good part of the time
4= Most or all of the time
1. I prefer things to be done my way.
2. I am critical of people who don't live up to my standards or expectations.
3. I stick to my principles, no matter what.
4. I am upset by changes in the environment or the behavior of people.
5. I am meticulous and fussy about my possessions.
6. I get upset if I don't finish a task.
7. I insist on full value for everything I purchase.
8. I like everything I do to be perfect.
9. I follow an exact routine for everyday tasks.
10. I do things precisely to the last detail.
11. I get tense when my day's schedule is upset.
12. I plan my time so that I won't be late.
13. It bothers me when my surroundings are not clean and tidy.
14. I make lists for my activities.
15. I think that I worry about minor aches and pains.
16. I like to be prepared for any emergency.
17. I am strict about fulfilling every one of my obligations.
18. I think that I expect worthy moral standards in others.
19. I am badly shaken when someone takes advantage of me.
20. I get upset when people do not replace things exactly as I left them.
21. I keep used or old things because they might still be useful.
22. I think that I am sexually inhibited.
23. I find myself working rather than relaxing.
24. I prefer being a private person.
25. I like to budget myself carefully and live on a cash and carry basis.
Scoring: Most people fall in the middle band between about 50 and 75, but anywhere above 70 means you’re having a problem. It’s important to get other people who know you well to share in this rating – it can be illuminating and even fun.
25-45 = not uptight;
46-55 = usefully OC;
56-70 = moderately OC;
> 70 = danger zone!