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Internet addiction message board, open discussion, and online support group.

Connection between separation from parents and addictions.

Can moving from parents to campus change situations with my addictions (porn, internet, don't communicate with peers) for better? I heard sometimes from psyhologists from internet that addictions during living with parents are result of being a child inside. Some said that I stay a child, I don't take responsibility for one's life and so on. I am 18. I know, that I have this problem, and in dormitory it will be the small own ...
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Addicted to digital world

Yeah it started to be my only way out.. you know I am always lonely and have not anyone to talk with most of the time so I prefer to spend time with Internet and I usually use it till my eyes wear off and brain start to get dizzy ..it was a bad feeling.. but I am conditioned to this
Constant influx of content into my brain from time to time and it felt ...
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Porn addicitin

I am unable to have a healthy Distance from porn , even though I was able to follow a porn diet from time to time..my last time was 24 days without it.. but it was very frustrating that sometimes I start to envy porn users as they don't want to experiance the amount of discipline I want to practise.. as you know they just naturally accept their addicition.. but for me my mind js always ...
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Addicted to fb,insta and all sort of negatovity

Just randomly scrolling through all sorts of negative news in fb, and also randomly watching insta pics of some strange women with people who I have no idea about.just feel so purposeless doing this for long time.like why should I want to do this all the time..like what sort of high I am getting by seeing peoples their life's ,and their stories ..nothing I am not being productive or making money..I lost my job because ...
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My experience with Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous

I'm 32 now and I've been an internet and computer  addict my whole life. Been trying to limit my use since I was 20 but failed a lot of times.

Previously I only talked about my compulsive internet use only with a few psychologist over the years. None of them were particularly helpful for my internet addiction.

I joined one of the internet addict anonymous online meetings out of desperation, not really expecting much out ...
Read more : My experience with Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous | Views : 2966 | Replies : 0

Looking for a book about internet addiction


I am looking for a good book about internet addiction.
Just like internet addiction is spreading in the world, crappy books about internet addiction do the same. I am not looking for a book about "bad habbits" or "improving productivity", I am looking for a book for those whose partners have left because of their addiction, who risk their jobs, who cry at 6 am because they want to go to bed, who won't ...
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Internet Addiction

First and foremost addictions are normal because there is so much time in the day. I think this addiction is fueled its is common and is making us realize how society needs to entertain. Games fun training our mentality to do a little more than . Addictions make us ill and is good under study for more of the other things in society to do and out let.....
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Porn addiction

I have a porn addiction... yeah. I dont really know how to get over it but it is really affecting my relationships (not really willing to go into details). Anyways I would like to know methods that may have helped some other people get over their porn addiction.
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Difficulties Caused By Social Media

Nowadays, social media is a great deal. I myself am guilty of having the need to regularly check and update social media. There's this subconscious thought that people need to know what I'm up to. Because of this, I'm having difficulty focusing on work and other daily tasks. I feel like I couldn't really concentrate as I'm more concerned about what would people think. How about you? What are the difficulties caused by social media ...
Read more : Difficulties Caused By Social Media | Views : 3298 | Replies : 7

No Internet challenge

I will be short and straight to the point. Infornography, scrolling reddit, news, forums and the likes is a waste of time, build bad habits (relying on instant gratification) and is just bad. I will break this habit.

I can't use the internet for purposes outside of work and only when it is justified and needed (e.g Google maps to go somewhere)

If a friend or someone I know wants to show me ...
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