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Open discussions about Cutting and Self Injury. This forum may be triggering.

Physical pain is much better than mental..

I used to struggle with self-harm, but since joining the gym, I haven't felt the urge to hurt myself. The gym has become my safe space, providing a healthy outlet for my emotions and a boost to my self-esteem. The physical activity, supportive community, and focus on self-improvement have made a huge difference in my mental health. If you're going through something similar, I encourage you to find a positive activity that can help you ...
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Anyone ever had this odd sensation? Is it an urge?


I used to carve when I went through a very bad depression. After therapy a decade ago, I managed to stop that particular kind of self-harm.

However, now whenever I'm low on energy, I sort of 'feel' it on my arm? Like a light touch... It feels the way it used to when I was hesitant at those times, only now I'm not doing anything.

Is this my mind trying to tempt me to ...
Read more : Anyone ever had this odd sensation? Is it an urge? | Views : 1140 | Replies : 4

Why I Cut

I have been thinking a lot about why I hurt myself. Cutting, specifically. I realized that I like seeing the scars. It feels like it brings the inside pain to the outside. It makes the emotional scars visible. I can't tell people how much pain I'm in, so maybe they'll know if they notice my scars. It's a silent way of saying I'm really struggling and would love some support, but I can't ask for ...
Read more : Why I Cut | Views : 1288 | Replies : 8

I had an idea last month

First of all, I don't know if this is the right place to post this so take my apologies in advance if it isn't.

Last month I had a thought similar to the "call of the void" or "high place phenomenon". Which is when you take a step towards the edge of a bridge or a cliff wondering how would it feel to jump. Or when you drive down and consider swerving into the opposite ...
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Strong urges

I have been fighting strong urges to self harm for over 3 weeks now. I'm even dreaming about it now. There is a small part of me that doesn't want to, but I fear the bigger part will win. With my therapist out of the office for almost 1 month now, I really don't have anyone to talk to about it.
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***trigger**** apologise

Dear fellow sufferers,
I greet you humbly from rural Western Africa.
Please forgive me for typing these horrible words. I truly, sincerely, hope they are not hurtful, they are merely my pain. Moderators, I acknowledge you, and respectfully apologise to you if I do wrong here - I guess you shall just delete these foul words, but for pity sake, spare me just a moment of pity as you do so please? For I have ...
Read more : ***trigger**** apologise | Views : 1967 | Replies : 1

Strong urges *t*

The urges to hurt myself are so strong. It’s so hard to keep asking for help. Life is too hard at present. Sorry
Read more : Strong urges *t* | Views : 2405 | Replies : 9

Cancer Can End Your Depression

Fears of recurrence? No Fear here....

Disabling depression why would Cancer do that? until your faced with the reality you can't even imagine what its like.

Anxiety, trauma, and panic are all going away. So what changed for me?

Well i've been feeling like killing myself in the last year to end all this pain i'm suffering not only mental but physical. I feel like my wishes have manifested. In the past year or so ...
Read more : Cancer Can End Your Depression | Views : 2377 | Replies : 2


Hi Everyone,

It has been a long time but I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I also wanted to say for those of you who are struggling that things can get better. I was in such a dark and self harming place but I have managed to heal. I still have scars but my partner loves me despite all of that and, whilst I don’t love them, I think I can live ...
Read more : Hi | Views : 4328 | Replies : 10

My mind is all over the place, stilllkeep wanting to end it

Edit: My AWOL due to covid mental health team is coming to see me sometime soon. I would tell them that my mind keeps going over the image of shoving a knife through my eyeball into my brain but all that means nothing much to others ugh. All they will do is fumble their words and then the same old nothing will happen i bet. That or they will think that i am not serious ...
Read more : My mind is all over the place, stilllkeep wanting to end it | Views : 2513 | Replies : 3


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