Others say that narcissists stay pretty much the same except they tend to depression as they get older and their grandiose fantasies are not supported, plus they're not as good-looking as they used to be. The narcissists I've known have apparently always been "that way" and they get worse as they get older, with dramatic regression of their personas after the deaths of their parents and other personal authority figures who have previously exerted some control over the narcissists' bad behavior. And, yes, chronic depression gets to be obvious at least by their forties but may have always been present. Depressed narcissists blame
Knowing from experience from my co-habitation with a NPD. I saw her N traits go from bad to worst in the course of 17 years. Her anger increase over time. The lack of empathy for her family only got worst as the children aged. I know now that *babies are a very good source of NS (narcissistic supply) for female NPD’s but not so for children in their preteens or when the child move on to become adults themselves. Unless trained by the NPD parent as a ready source of NS. Many NPD will start a family thinking this will change them and in a way fulfill what they feel is missing from their lives. Only to find that the empty feeling inside of them is still there, and as well as the “family” didn’t fulfill their (fantasy) roles that the NPD expected them too. Needing a Constance supply of NS (drug of choose). Once the partner and/or children of this relationship runs dry, they need to move on to another supply to meet their needs. The lack of reasonability from my xN only got worst and worst with the years. NPD having very shallow emotions can detach from partners, children very quickly, leaving the “started” family with confusion as to why they left. Mine xN left our two sons and jump from one family to the next with out batting a eye. NPD having the moral of a 5 or 6 year old child, doesn’t help in any type of normal relationships. Her lying worsen thru the years as well. And she would lie about anything. Around the house the children and I just accepted this fact about her and our favorite saying was “Yea, whatever N”..
The children and I found ourselves walking on eggshell around her, never knowing what would set her off. For a example, Once in our house for no reason at all she started yelling thru out the home, “you guys couldn’t survive without me!”. Before she left the family was strained beyond belief. In fact we are very glad she left. Our life's thru NC (no contact) has improved greatly...
*A child, after all, is the ultimate Source of Narcissistic Supply. It is unconditionally adoring, worshipping and submissive. But it is also a demanding thing and it tends to divert attention from the narcissist. A child takes too much of everything that the adults around him have to offer: time, energy, emotions, resources, attention. The narcissistic can easily be converted to the view that a child is a menace, a nuisance, utterly unnecessary.
This makes for a very shaky foundation of marital life. The narcissist does not need or seek companionship or friendship. He does not mix sex and emotions. He finds it hard to make love to someone that he loves. He ultimately abhors his children and tries to limit and confine them to the role of Narcissistic Supply Sources. He is a bad friend, lover and father. He is likely to divorce many times (if he ever gets married) and to end up in a series of monogamous relationships.