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Does anyone share the same problem as I do?

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Does anyone share the same problem as I do?

Postby Aogosoo » Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:54 pm

Hi. So, I guess a little context is needed here for anyone reading this. I am a 20-year-old male, in my second year of law school. I have been struggling since I started college a year ago, particularly with studying. I tend to avoid studying when I have the time, and I crumble under pressure. I don't know how to explain it, but let's take an example: I have two exams in two days, and they are really long, so I should have started studying, say, four days ago. But I didn’t, because my mind kept telling me, "It's too much, we can’t do it, we will fail," so I didn't.

This morning, I woke up with the intention to study, but guess what? I didn’t. My mind was foggy—it still is. I couldn’t get out of bed, as if my mind was somewhere else, not with me. I couldn’t bring myself to worry about studying, even though I have no time left. My mind kept saying, "Whatever, we still have time." I had to justify my absence from my last exam because the same thing happened. Now, this is my last chance, and to make things worse, right now (it’s 2:48 PM in my country), I still feel that fog in my mind. It feels like a layer separating my thoughts from my emotions. It’s like I’m not doing what I really want to do—my mind thinks one thing, but my body does the opposite.

I feel nothing, absolutely nothing, as if I’ve lost everything that used to drive me. I was fine this morning, motivated to study, but now I can’t. It’s as if I’m not the same person I was earlier today.

To be honest, the point of me doing this point is because I could not find (yet) anyone with the same problem, and I kinda feel lonely because of that, I feel like I am discovering a new world alone.
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