Hello all,
I am 24 years old, and I recently dropped out of university- my first semester, after less than 3 months in. I simply did not want to do it. When I was applying to university, I was initially excited and hopeful that I could work towards a career that would allow me to have a "real" income (instead of the abhorrent "income" that is minimum wage). I just got to a point where I realized I simply do not care about anything work related, I don't want to work, I don't want any part of it. But unfortunately, money is essential in this stupid world we live in. Yes, I want to make money, because I am currently extremely poor, completely on my own with no financial assistance from anyone (my mother, unfortunately, committed suicide when I was 18 and left me zero money) and my father has always been completely absent from my life and provides no assistance to me.
But, I have no genuine interest in working whatsoever. It is torture to me. I remember from a young age, always hating to do anything that i don't genuinely love and want to do. Even as far back in grade 2, for example, I would cry hysterically in school, because I hated it that much. (school was a form of "work" as a child). The way I see it, I have had a very difficult life, so difficult, that I cannot bear the thought of enduring additional difficulties, even something as simple as working. I simply cannot handle it. I just want to do what i want to do and be able to enjoy my life for once. (quite literally, my life has been, probably 90% hell, 10% bearable.) I endured living with my mentally ill mother from age 12-18 (her death occurred when I was 18). I don't mind working part time, I can tolerate that, but the thought of full time work (anything over 30 hours a week), to be honest, makes me feel suicidal. (Not that I would ever actually kill myself, but It brings about these strong feelings of dread- I am just being totally honest).
And, unfortunately, for me to actually save money for my future, I will literally need to work about 50 hours a week. FIFTY. The thought of this makes me want to die. I cant handle it. No one helps me. I'm totally on my own. I cant function as an adult. I never could function. Yet, surprisingly, many people tell me I'm the most intelligent person they know. and... I am. I am very smart and talented, and I don't want to waste my life working in the back of an extremely busy restaurant washing dishes, for 50 hours a week. The thought of this makes me so angry. I enjoy playing the piano, and writing, dancing- doing artistic things. I cannot bear to be a sheep in society that slaves away just to make ends meet. Why does life have to be so unbearably difficult for me? Literally ALL of my friends live at home, where their fridge is jam packed full of food that they don't have to pay for, and their income is completely disposable. I do not have that luxury. Literally ALL of my money goes towards food, rent, clothes, and still I often go hungry.
I think it would help me if i could talk to someone who genuinely understands what I am going through. I have no one to talk to who actually gets it, because they have parents that actually care about them. They have had relatively normal lives. They are not completely on their own. I feel so alone. I hate my existence, I truly do.