I had some gender dysphoria feelings before I took following approach.
It turned out it comes to seeking to affirm as gender I feel I am.
Then I looked why I seek to affirm as that gender. Is it because I feel my body or mind is wrong the way it is, or because I am not being myself without that affirmation. I concluded that all is fine as long as I don't feel like something is wrong with my body and mind.
Then I considered will other people accept that affirmation. That created some anxiety, but if there is nothing wrong with my body and mind, it comes to courage to be myself and finding people who accept me that way, no matter how far I go with that affirmation.
On the other hand, I never could go far with that affirmation, as I realized I want to find some balance regarding it thus surgery and/or hormones will be too much. I also couldn't go far as I had at least one dissociative state that wasn't approving full transition.