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How are you today thread (trigger warning)

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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby Deafgirl369 » Sat Mar 25, 2023 4:57 pm

Thanks everyone. Today isn't so bad right now. Unfortunately there isn't another therapist that can cover for her. I'm just hoping that she is there for my next appointment.
My system as I know it so far:
Rianna, Isabella, Clairianna, Little One, Beckie, Mara, Elizabeth, and a few that don't have names...
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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby ViTheta » Sat Mar 25, 2023 6:08 pm

I hope so too. Being alone isn't helpful, and as was said before, the people here are welcoming and helpful even if we can't reply right away.

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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby TheTriForce » Sun Mar 26, 2023 9:32 am

ViTheta wrote:Why would you think that you were no longer welcome? How your system works and evolves is dependant upon you, and we would be welcoming no matter what.

Truth is, all of the changes of late have made us feel inadequate when it comes to words, but that is a fault within our own system not anyone else's. It puts stress on our social programming and makes it harder for us to say anything properly. Add into that, we've been out to various medical appointments lately and we just aren't very talkative. Between doctor's, physical therapists and dentists, we haven't had too many consecutive days to rest and recharge. Last week, I (Vi) screwed up an eye field test because I had to be out to talk to our primary care provider and I'm unused to dealing with our opthemologist. Beth was out on Tuesday to take care of that.

Plus, we've been in therapy every week and many of us have come out to deal with that. It's just been tiring.

Take care,

Hi Vi this is Yuna & Juno. We can only apologise for the behaviour of the Littles, they are back inside being dealt with. I don't know why they felt they could just pretend to grow up and thats all they needed to do to be 'grown up'! :shock:

We found ourselves out front this morning after they had a meltdown in a field on the swings because going on them triggered them back to their 6yo selves! :shock: Fortunately no-one was around and we manged to get them inside and us home with the dog and scooter!

We're out for the rest of today while the others deal with the littles on the inside..at this point i've honestly no idea who will be in the driving seat tomorrow when we wake up!

Sorry :oops:

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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby TheGangsAllHere » Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:34 pm

Not sure what you're apologizing for, TheTriForce. Sounds like your Littles were feeling ignored and tired of being kept on the inside (that's what they said, anyway), so hopefully they're being listened to now and better able to get their needs met.

We've found it often doesn't take much to help them feel happier--time on the swings, being outside in nature, plus the indoors things they like, such as watching a cartoon, etc.

We're having a really up-and-down day. Very stressed about the show, which is about to have dress rehearsals and performances, and has had a very busy rehearsal schedule this past week with over 30 hours of rehearsals. Husband just left on a trip for a few days also. And we just made a nice healthy lunch, but forgot there were leftovers from takeout that husband got last night, and we should have eaten that instead. That's making people feel very incompetent and just like we're a big failure at managing any adult tasks. :cry: :cry:
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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby ViTheta » Sun Mar 26, 2023 9:47 pm

Sometimes it's nice for the Littles to come out (without the drama) and be reminded that out here there are chores, and other people, and cleaning to do. It isn't all crayons and swing sets. I hope that Bobby and Little Suzi learned a valuable lesson...life in the outer world is not fun. Imagine being greeted by a chores list.

I do hope things are better now. Enjoy the time out, and maybe you all need to figure out a rotation so that those on the inside can come out and see the outside from time to time with all it's joys and problems.

Take care,
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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby TheTriForce » Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:59 am


Still Yuna here! .. we're out till garden stuff is finished to give the others a break as we've had a nice long break.

Kit takes the littles out every weekend to see the ducks and find somewhere they can come out safely to play with the dog. They're usually on the switch most of the weekend or watching what they want to watch and LS often plays on AC in evenings while host is watching TV.

The issue is they decided to take over the front without any adults ..(Kit had NOT integrated inside of Bobby..Kit's the Protector..why would she let a child take over the front?) without thinking of potential consequences ... the problem is out in the real world there's no external 'holodeck' with safety features to make sure they don't get out of their depth!

Anyway the others are inside with them finding out how they managed it and deciding what the best course of action is..while Juno and I, house & dog sit while the garden gets done and deliveries arrive etc.

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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby ViTheta » Mon Mar 27, 2023 1:53 pm

I understand. I had forgotten that they were coming out on the weekends. Yeah, they needed to think of the consequences, and I don't know much about how to help prevent such issues. Our system seemed to develop a 'lock out' that's hard to bypass. I think it's probable that your Littles are just too scared of others and having to deal with others in the house means they don't feel like coming out if they are going to be around people.

I hope things are getting better.
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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby TheTriForce » Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:58 am

[JAY] I'm back...had to come back early...well didn't get much choice really I just found myself at the front this morning! ..feeling strangely older and wiser and with a much stronger feeling of 'I know who I am' ..ie the 'me' thats here in the here and now, although I woke up with stonking headache after a weird dream where I initially couldn't tell whether I was still on the inside or in the body!

It was a rough night and I feel like I've been on an emotional rollercoaster all night. Someone has been crying alot I think it was Little Susie after Phoenix was revealed as 'The Persecutor'.

They bullied Yuna and challenged Kit. A younger me reminded Phoenix they only existed in our imagination and they would no longer be persecuting and bullying us all. They vanished in a puff of smoke and I woke up feeling a bit disorientated and unsure whether it was just a wacky dream or a message from the inside? :shock:

Anyway getting up and out with the dog always works as a grounding technique as have to focus ..watching for cars on the road (not that there's many that early) or other people with dogs coming the other way. Mr Woof started hobbling a bit but its cold & damp and has been for days..our knees and hip hurt too. We've given him breakfast and some pain relief he should be better tomorrow its meant to warm up and be nice and sunny all day.

Just taken some painkillers ourselves..gonna get a nice hot shower while they kick in and then sort out what we want for breakfast.

Hope everyone is ok and we 're all sorry about the disruption Phoenix created (again!) :oops: ..hopefully the littles will not so easily believe everything Phoenix says in future and won't be so easy for them to manipulate into creating chaos.

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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby ViTheta » Sat Apr 01, 2023 12:48 pm

It's okay Jay. I hope things are better now.

Lilith's been out a lot the last couple days and will probably take over again this afternoon. All together, things are okay. Just a lot of depression and anxiety going on.
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Re: How are you today thread (trigger warning)

Postby TheTriForce » Sat Apr 01, 2023 5:14 pm

ViTheta wrote:It's okay Jay. I hope things are better now.

Lilith's been out a lot the last couple days and will probably take over again this afternoon. All together, things are okay. Just a lot of depression and anxiety going on.

We get depression & anxiety too. Having disruptive alters doesn't help! ...but things are quiet at the minute.

The littles have been told they aren't allowed out this weekend, they have to think about what they did and how they can prove they can be trusted to be let near the front again.

We've started a 'trusted to front' list and they won't be put on it to have control of the body (even just to play on the switch under supervision) until they show they understand why it is dangerous for them block other adults from taking back control.

I'm hoping its going to be nice and quiet for at least a week or two and me & Kathy can get on with sorting the house & garden. What was the way you 'lock out' the front that you mentioned before?

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