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Above the trees

Permanent Linkby voracious_lemon on Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:59 pm

Hiking man, that $#%^ just soothes my soul.

Day after my first big hike in a few months, and I feel so much calmer. Less strung out. I encountered another bear, the second time to my knowledge Ive been close to one. I also have finally accepted I should trade in my car for something with four wheel drive. There's still some snow around here, and above 1500ft a little bit to the North its about 3 feet! I have a feeling we will be needing spikes/snowshoes pretty late into the season this year, which is great because that will keep crowds away for at least a month. There is no feeling like being alone on top of a mountain, sun shining, above the trees, able to see for a hundred miles.

Time to start thinking about the next adventure!

All I saw was the Devil's soul
And it looked a helluva lot like my own
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