Psychology and Mental Health Forum

Author:  margharris [ Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:58 am ]
Blog Subject:  Body dysmorphia: Mindful of what BDD is.

The latest doc appointment was just a checkin to see how we are faring with the meds after 5 days. As there was a lot of break out behaviours and storytelling, the Lyrica is to be doubled and the Prozac upped to 40mg. The doc talked up Prozac and mentioned doses as high as 100mg. This comment was met with some dread by my son and I too felt extremely hesitant. It just sounds so much. The doc is firmly of the opinion that the studies are where science lies and gives us the best chance of full recovery. He mentioned that he did have cases of full recovery so that gave my son hope. The aim is for my son to gain insight that he has a brain disorder that sends unwanted thoughts and urges. At the moment that insight is missing and only understood at a conceptual level rather than something that needs to be operating in his day to day conversation with himself.

My son didn't have a good night and there was some slurred speech in the morning that can be attributed to the Lyrica side effect. This effect is supposed to resolve with habituation. The Lyrica is to counter the worst aspects of the Prozac side effects. This morning it seemed to be working. He wasn't so easily upset by little things and he was overall more balanced. He still believes all his BDD thoughts are real and he needs to see a hair doc so there has been no change there. He still can call himself ugly and his body hair can start to annoy him but there is something more calm about his disposition.

The NBA playoffs are proving a godsend. A lot of game watching can chew through most of the day. The distraction has reduced the time for storytelling and touching. So we actually haven't had a panic since early morning. He tells me Boston is losing so maybe the antidepressants should be increased now!

So my son needs to develop the skill of analyzing his thoughts to know whether they are BDD thoughts or not. The goal is to control responses to the thoughts and urges by really knowing they are not real and don't actually tell you anything you should do. Trying to make these thoughts and urges go away in seconds or minutes will cause only frustration, demoralization, and stress. It will, probably tend to make the urges worse. The idea is to acknowledge the thought, expect the thought but know it is only triggered from your BDD brain. You have this disorder that sends you unwanted thoughts. Disconnecting the thought from the panic response is where I see the hiccup in the theory. We will see what works in time.
The doc is also sending us an outreach worker. This is to help with my son's lack of routine. We no longer feel alone in the battle with this disorder. That is so important to monitor how we are going and give us hope. Marg

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