Psychology and Mental Health Forum

Author:  Johnny-Jack [ Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:00 am ]
Blog Subject:  Family Tree (who begat whom)

Chronology of arrival of alters
Depicts who followed whom
Suggests who was derived from whom

..0................Adam (core)..............................
.3 mos............|...\..............SPHINX*...............
.4 mos............|....ASHÁR..............................
.8 mos........LITTLE JOHN................................
..2½...........JOHN (host).................................
..5. Charles....|.|...|...\..................................
..6.. JONATHAN..|....|....\................................

(*) gatekeeper/observer, not a regular alter


Author:  Johnny-Jack [ Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:33 am ]

Wow, this was accurate when we knew about 14 alters. We now know about 42 of us and I couldn't begin to figure out how they fit into this chart. Things are much more complex now, everyone's age of creation unclear. The first alters we found were more distinct or something.

Author:  Johnny-Jack [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:10 am ]

We're at 51 known alters now and much detail is clearer. This was viewed 25K times. I can't begin to comprehend that.

Author:  Johnny-Jack [ Sat May 13, 2017 3:29 am ]

Another year or so later and we're at 56 of us. We do know a lot sequential connections, such as certain alters replacing others, and some of those are more than two alter sequences. And we know of synchronous connections, like several alters forming pairs.

Author:  Johnny-Jack [ Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:01 am ]

Six and a half years later and we're at 70 alters. Five times as many as when we did this "family tree." I don't think it would be possible to do a tree like this now, but we do have a 11x17 chart of everyone arranged by age, with description and color coding for categories and functions.

Author:  Johnny-Jack [ Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:12 pm ]

Just to keep the comments on this old blog going...

Eight years later and we're 75 alters with at least one more, possibly others. We have a chart of everyone on a huge poster above our bed to let everyone know that they're not forgotten. We're working with everyone on various traumas in our weekly therapy sessions.

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