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The origin of mental problems

Permanent Linkby floatingtree on Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:36 am

Where do my mental issues come from?

Often mental issues are blamed on genetics. They're something you inherit.

I was a very sensitive kid. I was also somewhat eccentric and stuck in my head a lot, but generally fairly content. I could become very anxious quite easily, for example I once became very afraid of a friend's father for some reason. Maybe some kid told me he had a bad temper or something. I got into a panic one day when I was supposed to be going to his house for something or other. But I quickly got over it.

Later my family moved to another country. Language wasn't a huge issue because it was another English-speaking country... or was it an issue? I had a very different accent and vocabulary, plus stubbornness! I remember another kid repeatedly saying to me that I was going to end up with the local accent because that's what happened to a friend of hers. Possibly this was a big factor in me not picking up the local accent..

I was also very disoriented by the move in general. Perhaps I have a touch of Asperger's in the sense that the different routine took a lot of getting used to.

Then loads of bad stuff happened, such as being picked on by psychopathic teachers, going to another school and having to adjust again (and not adjusting very well). My parents started fighting constantly.

I guess one of the main points I'm making here is that inheritance is a factor in mental issues, but the other factor is a world which doesn't cater enough for differences, I suppose. A certain amount of people find typical "life" stuff, as is considered normal and even good by society in general, fairly okay. Others find it horrific.

Let "different" kids be treated fairly. Don't just say "He should ask for help" or some #######4 like that, when asking for help is taboo and no one really wants to help anyway, or if they do want to help, they often do more harm than good.

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