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Some news

Permanent Linkby floatingtree on Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:40 pm

An interesting development. I got the results of a food intolerance test. I knew I was intolerant to dairy, but wait, there's more! Several types of nuts, eggs, gluten and yeast are out too. So that means most grains, oh and most alcoholic drinks, apart from spirits.

It's kind of shocking but also potentially exciting. If I can just avoid these foods and quickly feel a whole lot better, then brilliant!

I've been avoiding the bad stuff since I got the news, but it's too early to tell yet. It'll take at least a few days or maybe weeks. I'm probably going to lose weight on this diet even though I don't need to.

Let's see what happens..

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Re: Some news

Permanent Linkby floatingtree on Thu Sep 18, 2014 11:21 am

Not sure if the blogger is supposed to comment on their own post, but that's what I'm doing now.

I'm still on the restricted diet. I have heard that there is controversy about these allergy tests and their accuracy.

My digestion seems better, but there are no radical changes that I'm aware of. I think my anxiety has lessened a little. I did feel pretty good on the first few days of the diet. Maybe it makes a little difference.

Oh yeah, if I followed the diet plan to the letter it would be extremely difficult. I have given up most of the stuff I'm supposed to be intolerant to, but not all of it.

As for losing weight, I only lost a pound or two so it's not too bad.

I might have a look around on the internet and see how other people got on with things like this.
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Re: Some news

Permanent Linkby floatingtree on Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:50 pm

So I had a flare-up of a skin condition I've had for a few years. I put it down to the increased sugar I was eating on that diet. A lot of gluten-free products, for example, are quite sugary.

So I've gone back to my old diet, more or less, but now I eat less gluten. My skin has improved again, and my digestion has remained better than it was. So not too bad a result.

As for mental health, it's not too bad. Periods of tiredness. I think a lot of my depression is being aggravated by other aspects of life, which I am in the process of changing, so I have some positivity.
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