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Back after a long time

Permanent Linkby floatingtree on Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:09 pm

Right, I had forgotten about this forum, and this short blog I made.

In the past few years I've used a couple of forums for recovering from a specific addiction. Today I was thinking it would be good to be on a similar forum but for people with mental health issues, and especially people who aren't in love with authority all the time. So yeah, I'm a bit sceptical about psychiatry, psychology, big pharma, alternative medicine... lol. Quite a lot of scepticism in general, but at the same time I am fairly open-minded. I'm able to see many points of view, generally.

Today was fairly okay. A couple of anger issues. Well, one was definitely an anger or rage issue. I was doing housework when I knocked over some water and I threw something in a brief flash of rage. I got over it quickly though.

The other event was getting an email from an email buddy. He "corrected" something I had written to him and added "HAHAHA". I quickly replied saying I'll answer the rest of your email soon but in the meantime, here's proof that I'm right, and I copied and pasted the proof. I also said "HAHAHAHA yourself". A while later he sent me a message on an app but he deleted it before I could read it. I'm not sure if I regret that reply. I think a lot of my anger issues come from suppressing my anger. When I was a kid I frequently wasn't allowed to have any anger whatsoever. And people have abused my occasional inability to express my anger. because I was taught to suppress it, even though that didn't really work anyway - did it turn anger into rage? Of course at other times I overreact. I'm not a dick when I'm angry though. I don't shout abuse at people or anything.

Anyway. Here I am again on this site. Thanks for reading and feel free to reply to my posts, as long as you're not a troll!

Apologies if it was hard to read, maybe I'll edit the post at some point.

3 Comments Viewed 90044 times

Re: Back after a long time

Permanent Linkby Snaga on Wed Apr 17, 2019 6:01 am

Weba, and something that has probably changed from 2012, is no editing past a very narrow time frame... so be sure of what you write- you have like a very short, short window, to make any changes. After which, the edit button disappears. Some people find it handy to write in a text editor, then copy and paste the final product.
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Re: Back after a long time

Permanent Linkby floatingtree on Tue Apr 23, 2019 7:35 pm

Thanks for the reply.

Yeah, using a text editor is probably the most sensible way. But my current plan is to write here on the site but "control" and "a" and copy the text into memory before clicking "Submit". Of course I could forget to do that, but such is the reckless way I live my life.

My mental health has been fairly good in the past week or so. I've been enjoying the good weather, reading stuff on Project Gutenberg, playing an old video game and generally feeling okay - most of the time. Tiredness is a bit of an issue, but I'm managing so far.

My email buddy wasn't offended at all (see original post).
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Re: Back after a long time

Permanent Linkby Snaga on Wed Apr 24, 2019 5:14 pm

Oh, good about the email!
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