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July 3rd Dream
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May 19th Dream

Permanent Linkby SomethingElse on Sat May 20, 2017 6:08 pm

I am with my family, in the country I grew up in. I'm happy to be with my family and get attention from them. I'ts strange as most of my dreams don't usually start out well, usually bad until I get nearer to waking up, which by then I would be tired of the nightmare altogether and so not feeling as frightened. The house me and my family are in, I can't identify, but we moved three to four times and so it might be a collection of two or more. In this house however, the most memorable incident of my dream occurs. I walk into a room where I find my sister engaging in sexual intercourse with someone.

I was very close with my sister when I was young, and I would get insanely jealous in any situation involving her. I couldn't maintain this however, as eventually she got married and moved out to her own house. I learned to accept things the way they are when forced to.

Back to the dream, how I got out of the situation is blurry, but somehow the moment the situation was comprehended I disappeared out of it. The next day there was a trip, some family members such as cousins, and some friends, no parents or anything like that, it wasn't a "family trip". The trip was to some underground cave or tunnel, maybe an exhibition for tourists but we went anyway. The country I lived in put loads of effort into tourism, and there were many interesting places created for tourists. On this trip, I was very angry, not at my sister or the person she was with, but at life. I decided to somehow --though I don't know how I was capable of this-- destroy the entrance of the cave. For some on the trip, this was seen as intentional, and for others, accidental. But with all the attention and stress, I snapped and screamed at my sister. "I hate you" I yelled.

We were rescued eventually, and I was taken to be questioned by the police somewhere. I told the truth, being that the one responsible for the crime was in fact me, then I left the interrogation room. Everyone that attended the trip was there, outside the interrogation room. They seemed to know that I did it. As I left the building I woke up.

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