Psychology and Mental Health Forum

Author:  OMNICELL [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:46 pm ]
Blog Subject:  BLog 37

To lie is not going to work...

What about being a victim ? Hmmm/////........

Who is in control of me....

If I am to wash my clothing and live, I have to do it on my terms, not on theres. And that is the sadist(Saddest) thing.. And the hardest... It is so hard. Defeat is a great majesty... To bow down is such an abandonment.. Its the raping of soul-man...

The wave at which I never wanted to see. It cometh...!

I am easily overwhelmed.

I am easily persuaded if the cost is greater then the crime.. I am a fountain..... A man fountain... Like chocolate chip...

What will I do to be noticed. To be accepted..

Why am I not accepted... The world has turned upside down... Now its down on me!!...

The expression of the other self, I cannot betray myself.

The grieving process is slowed down... One day is a thousand years.. One grieve is the cry of eternity. The grave digs itself. Do I have to go along for the ride. Do I have to go along for the charade. Is there no peace in the haunted house...

I owe no one.....

I Am not, Im OK... Im not OK... Im buried alive.. At-least I spelled " buried" correctly, to spell a word correctly for the first time for this Dyslectic, is like hitting a whole-in-one on the golf course..

I hate, I am sorrowful. I fall, I never stand. Like a tilted house, backwards momentum to a strait path in the wrong direction... are those my feet..... I will never know... Moon landing... The solar wind is pouring in from all corners of the world..

Are you writing this to help me, are you writing this to hurt me. Don't lie...

Ive been convinced that being a bad child is a good for everyone. Its better to be a bad child then no child.! I don't agree. I think its better to be a good child in a disillusioned world of order..


This helped@@

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