My stepdad died during the night. Mom called about an hour ago. No details, but I'm comforted at least in that he had people near when he passed. Contemplating my own eventual death I hope someone will be there to hold my hand as it must be terrifying if conscious during. Kinda feeling like I should volunteer at a hospice myself to balance out karma.
He had a grand life. Was a geophysicist for Chevron doing I guess oil exploration and analyses. Had a global map in his den with pins in it for everywhere he'd been and there were an awful lot of pins. Among his locales was Pitcairn Island (of "The Bounty" fame,) Easter Island, all over Russia, Alaska, South America, Australia, and New Zealand. Said New Zealand was his favorite place. Regaled the fam once with a tale from his Alaskan hunting trips where he 'bagged a bar.'

We're a fiercely democratic, pro-enviroment, tree hugger sorta family so when he finished my only question was if they charged extra putting it in a cage and sedating it before he shot it.

Said I had a droll sense of humor for that.

He wasn't very socialable, kinda curmudgeonly. But he knew his science. On a trip to Meteor Crater in Arizona he picked up a rock to show me to me and announced authoritatively it was a Leverite - meaning put it back down and leave it right there.
Suppose I"m writing a bit of his eulogy here. He will be missed.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I pretended to be." - Me.