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Psychology and Mental Health Forum

Is it normal for therapists to be so isolated?

I have been working with my current therapist for almost 3 years and have made TREMENDOUS progress. But there are 2 problems I'm having that he admits he doesn't know how to help me with. I've asked him if there are any discussion groups/support groups etc. that he can join to bounce ideas off colleagues. He said no. He said it's partially because of HIPAA which makes sense, but nevertheless, I simply can't believe he's ...
Read more : Is it normal for therapists to be so isolated? | Views : 2322 | Replies : 5

Does anyone share the same problem as I do?

Hi. So, I guess a little context is needed here for anyone reading this. I am a 20-year-old male, in my second year of law school. I have been struggling since I started college a year ago, particularly with studying. I tend to avoid studying when I have the time, and I crumble under pressure. I don't know how to explain it, but let's take an example: I have two exams in two days, and ...
Read more : Does anyone share the same problem as I do? | Views : 1969 | Replies : 3

Mental Health Hotlines Recording Your Call

I'm approaching a crisis state and I need someone to talk me down but every mental health hotline I call has a recording saying my call "may be recorded for quality or training purposes".

Really? Am I alone in not wanting my very personal issues broadcast and dissected in some training classroom? Even if it was just one administrator listening that still seems like an invasion of privacy to me. I can assume this is ...
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Narcissist and flying monkeys

Hello. I don't know if anybody is on this forum but please don't flag this as spam. I just created this account to ask for help and that is the only thing that I will do. You can delete my account after this. I posted this on reddit but it has been automatically removed by reddit filter and I really don't know who else to ask. I'm just going to copy/paste the message that wrote ...
Read more : Narcissist and flying monkeys | Views : 3855 | Replies : 6

Afraid of burning alive in car crash

All my life I have been afraid of burning alive in a car or bus crash. I don't drive but I take the bus because I need to.

There was that bus crash in italy where it caught fire a few months ago and I happened to pass on the same highway a day earlier. While I was afraid of burning before, I am now even more terrified.

I also did a stupid thing and ...
Read more : Afraid of burning alive in car crash | Views : 3196 | Replies : 1

Perfectionism is causing me anxiety issues

I'm struggling with anxiety and perfectionism at work. This has been a recurrent issue and is probably my most persistent problem.

I work compiling invoices for my job. I have a junior colleague who deals with the more straightforward, smaller cases whereas I deal with the more complex, high value work. I help my junior colleague with queries and claiming money on the cases.

in June 2021 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and needed ...
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Negative habits

Why do I prefer to lose the whole of something rather than just part of it? For example, if I'm half an hour late for bed because of work, I start zapping and losing several hours under the pretext that I've already lost time.
Read more : Negative habits | Views : 3400 | Replies : 3

Parts of myself becoming inaccessable after talking

Sometimes there'll be a private fantasy, or thought, that's part of my life, then if I speak it, or say something about in the wrong way, it's as if I give away its hiding place, or kill it.

I've heard people say that each time we remember something we change it, I feel some things I do are infected, when I perform them wrong to another. It's as if forever after I see it in ...
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Governor Newsom's Mental Health Bill

What are your thoughts on the Bill Gov. Newsom recently signed? (Mental Health Services Act, and Assembly Bill 531) It looks like they're increasing funding for mental health which is good, but I'm concerned about the possibility of involuntary treatment. Am I catastrophizing that they may decide to put anyone with MH issues bad enough to warrant disability into an asylum? I don't believe California would do that but I live in a predominately right ...
Read more : Governor Newsom's Mental Health Bill | Views : 3737 | Replies : 0


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