Psychology and Mental Health Forum

Author:  CrackedGirl [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:40 pm ]
Blog Subject:  Resolutions I Am NOT Going To Make For 2012

Stop drinking wine
Stop having a messy house
Stop sitting on my arse surfing the web
Stop bitching about my mother
Stop laughing at inappropriate things
Stop having a dark sense of humour
Stop going to the shop in my PJs without a bra on

Anyone care to add theirs?

Have a good day all




Author:  Restored [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:55 pm ]

Ha ha they really made me laugh esp going to shops in pjs .... aswel as those

I am not going to -

start wearing make up all the time
stop hiding in my bedroom
stop hoarding my washing till i have nothing left to wear
stop watching crappy day time tv
stop eating fizzy laces that are causing my teeth to fall out and causing serious hallitosis afetr all
stop buying things i dont need

that'll do for now


Author:  CrackedGirl [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:13 pm ]


I am also not going to stop hoarding washing and I am not going to stop soaking pans for 3 weeks before washing them...



Author:  flowingtears [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:15 pm ]

A lot of your "non-resolutions" sound like mine!

I'm not going to:

Stop buying ridiculous amounts of books
Stop wearing the same clothes for several days just because they don't look dirty
Stop letting my cats sleep under the covers, even though it means I'm afraid to move in case I squash them

Author:  Restored [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:33 pm ]

I am going to not stop being who i am but stop trying to be who others want me to be.

I am going to meet new people and make new friends

I am going to spend more time trying to be kind to myself in turn making my little feel safe so she can come out

I am not going to stop eating yummy comfort foods

I am not going to fiddle with my meds

Author:  CrackedGirl [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:41 pm ]

Huge hugs guys :D


Author:  DJM19 [ Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:19 pm ]

I am not going to visit this site a little less
I am not going to stop worrying about little details, nothing like a good worry to clear the head ;)
I am not going to stop eating those delicious yoghurts with chocolate on top and caramel on the bottom

One thing I am going to do is apply to be a moderator and hopefully do a good job of it.

Author:  salted lipstick [ Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:10 pm ]

I am not going to:

stop spontaneously going on spending sprees to buy nice things that I can't afford

stop leaving my house to collect sneeze-rendering amounts of dust before cleaning it

stop spending copious amounts of time on the internet

stop sleeping in when the alarm goes off

Author:  CrackedGirl [ Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:23 pm ]

You guys make me larf :D



Author:  masquerade [ Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:04 am ]

I am not going to

Stop wearing make up just to go to the shop

Stop leaving things till the last minute

Stop being flippantly ironic about life in general

Stop hanging around weird and wonderful people

Stop hunamising my cat, giving her a pretend voice

Stop hoarding mascara till it makes my eyes sore

Stop smoking stubs from the ashtray

Stop wearing my holey, comfy dressing own that trips me up

Author:  Infinite_Jester [ Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:44 am ]

I too have to stop going shopping in my PJ's with no bra on...

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